Ubuntu 11:04 "Natty Narwhal" the latest edition of ubuntu

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Forgoing Edition Desktop / Netbook Edition duality that marked the latest version of the OS, the next major iteration of Ubuntu, 11:04 (aka "Natty Narwhal"), hit last week beta inthe new combined edition simply called "Ubuntu", bringing with it the Union as a desktop environment new default in addition to a number of other new features, which include theFirefox web browser 4 as a standard Ubuntu.

By applying the Unity as a standard interface in place of Gnome, Ubuntu risk alienatinga number of core users are familiar with the former default UI. Unity previously used onlyfor a little niche Ubuntu Netbook Edition, adopted it to offer the core OS is a gamble forCanonical, but where the company can move forward with the interface (Ahem)integrated for its consumer products are now single.

Unity interface, seen here in no-longer-supported Ubuntu Netbook Edition.

Announcing Natty 11:04 Narwhal beta development in a press release, the Ubunturelease manager Kate Stewart introduces a new interface, said: "Unity is now the default Ubuntu desktop session is launching the Union has many new features, includingdrag and drop re-ordering. launcher icons, a full keyboard navigation support , launcheractivation via a keyboard shortcut, right-click context menu quick list and switch betweenrunning applications. "

As the marketing manager of Canonical's Gerry Carr said in a company blog recently:"The introduction of a new shell for Ubuntu means that we have a user interface thatworks just as good as any PC form factor and works on various underlying technologies.architectures including the general in netbook, notebook, desktop or whatever youchoose to run it on because it requires a separate version for netbooks deleted .. "

The point about the form factor mainly deals given the Union including multi-touch support, which potentially opens the way for Ubuntu to make a significant breakthroughin touchscreen devices. We're not holding our breath for a tablet version of Ubuntu, butthe emergence of touchscreen PCs alone warrants a feature to the core OS.

In addition to Unity, Natty Narwhal including Firefox 4.0, 3.3.2 LibreOffice, Banshee1.9.5 and kernel 2.6.38-7.39. You can try the beta version for yourself here, with final release scheduled for just a few weeks away (April 28). Or just wait for the APC DVDcover (and you can save bandwidth).
or go directly http://www.ubuntu.com/

sumber : http://apcmag.com/


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