Terms and Conditions Quiz
1. Participants are required to become a member of Fans Page Western Digital Indonesia, which can be click on this link.
2. Competition is only valid for new fans Fans Page Western Digital Indonesia; Not applicable for old fans who have followed similar programs that exist in the media or other forums.
3. Participants are required to follow the official Twitter account Okezone in @ okezonenews.
4. Participants must answer questions about Okezone site, which will appear from time to time in the timeline @ okezonenews
5. Each answer must be included with hashtag # kuisWD and # Legal
Period and Announcement of Winners
Period will run from 19 April 2011 to 10 May 2011, which is divided into 3 periods winner.
Announcement of the winners were divided into 3 phases, consisting
Phase 1: April 26, (1 winner)
Phase 2: May 3 (2 winners)
Phase 3: May 10 (2 Winners)
Decision of judges consisting of editors Legal is the decision final and inviolable
Quiz is a contest that does not charge at all. Beware of scams in the name of Okezone and Western Digital.
So, are you waiting for!
(tyo) okezone
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